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How to open doors and Windows to develop customers?

How to open doors and Windows to develop customers?


    The most important thing is to find your client's team and win the high quality of customers, so that the intention of the sale will be achieved, and the business will be much smoother in the future.

    Organize an hour every day.

    The sale, like any other homework, is bound by the discipline of demand. Sales can always be postponed. You are always waiting for a better day. In fact, the time to sell will never be the most appropriate time.

    Call as often as you can.

    Before looking for customers, don't forget to spend time accurately talking about your policy store. In this way, the person who communicates with them on the phone will be the most likely person to be your client. If you only call the person who is most likely to be a customer, you are most likely to contact a prospective guest room that is most likely to buy your product or service. Call as much as you can during the hour. Because every telephone is of high quality, it is better to play more than to play.

    The telephone should be brief.

    Doors and Windows open shop also demand telephone to sell, call to sell the policy is to get an appointment. You can't sell a messy product or service on the phone, and you certainly don't expect to haggle over the phone.

    Telephone sale should continue for about 3 minutes, and should focus on introduce yourself, your products, learn about each other's needs, so that you give a good reason to let the other side is willing to spend precious time to talk with you. The most important thing is to make an appointment.

    Prepare a list before making a phone call.

    If you don't prepare the list, most of your sales will have to be used to find the names you need. You'll always be busy, always feeling your homework, but not making a few phone calls. Therefore, always prepare a list of people for a month.

    Focus on your homework.

    Don't answer the phone at the moment of sale. Make full use of the marketing experience curve. Just like any repetitive task, the more times you repeat the work in the adjacent moments, the better it becomes.

    Marketing is not an exception. Your second phone will be better than the first, and the third will be better than the second, and so on. In sports, we call it "getting into the groove". You will find that your selling skill practice does not improve with the addition of the sale moment.

    6. If the traditional selling period is not effective, avoid the peak time of the phone.

    In general, the time people make a phone call is between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. So, you can set aside an hour each day for sales.

    If this traditional selling time doesn't work for you, you should change the sale time to the peak hour of the phone, or add the moment of sale at a non-peak moment. You'd better organize the sale between 8:00-9:00am, 12:00-13:00 and 17:00-18:30.

    7. Change the calling time.

    We all have a habit of doing it, and so do your clients. You probably at 10 o 'clock every Monday to attend the meeting, if you can't get through them, at this time will carnegie-give from them, in that moment, or other change in the other day to call him. You'll get unexpected results.

    8. The client's materials need to be fully covered. The use of computerized systems.

    The customer handling system you selected should be a good record of the customers your company needs to follow, whether it is three years later, or tomorrow.

    Anticipate the outcome before you begin.

    This advice is useful in finding clients and opening up business. Your policy is to get a meeting, so you should plan your words on the phone.

    Don't stop.

    Will is one of the most important factors in selling success. Most of the sales were done after the fifth telephone conversation. However, most sales people stopped after the first call.

    Set up shop Windows and doors as we all know the importance of the sale, each store boss, of course, have their own characteristics, not necessarily in the same way thoroughly, but the center is to develop customers, retain customers, make customer satisfied is the foundation.



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